Project-Based Learning Program Connects Students with Local Businesses

Project-Based Learning Program Connects Students with Local Businesses

Southeast Polk RISE seniors Parker Strawn, Cael Julander, Ali Brunner, along with Ms. Chelsey Sadler, took a break from hosting their student-produced podcast, “On the Rise,” to appear as guests on the “All Things SEP” podcast hosted by Dr. Dirk Halupnik. They discussed their participation in RISE, a unique, work-based learning business class designed to prepare students for the professional world. The RISE program is a project-based learning course that connects students with local businesses, allowing them to work on real projects proposed by these businesses. This collaboration aims to enhance students’ personal knowledge, skills, and professional experience in an internship-like environment.

The course covers professional development topics including personal values, leadership, business communication, workplace dynamics, and project management. Participants also compile a digital portfolio of their work over the semester. RISE is targeted at juniors and seniors interested in advancing their professional skills, with requirements including appropriate attire for business meetings. Although it is a one-semester block-period course, students can enroll for a second semester to earn management credit through DMACC. This program exemplifies a practical approach to education, bridging the gap between academic coursework and real-world workforce requirements.